About CAC

was founded in 1991 to develop a general purpose finite element analysis software product called “CAEFEM” to perform stress and heat transfer analysis. Finite element analysis (FEA) comes under the field of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE).  A software product of this type.... (read more......)


Is a finite element analysis software developed from scratch on Windows platform developed in C/C++ languages(read more......)


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News & Events

Concurrent Analysis Corporation Announces the Launch of Lumino Modeler and CAEFEM 9.5

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CAEFEM customer list includes Bridgestone Corporation, Chrysler, DuPont, Eastman Kodak, Fuji Photo Optical, Fujitsu Corporation, BAE Systems, General Electric, Hughes Aircraft Company, Intel Corporation, Japan Railways Laboratory, Los Alamos National Labs, Maxtor Corporation, McDonnell Douglas, Mitsubishi Aluminium, Mitsubishi Electric, Muratec, Panasonic, NASA, Northrop Grumman, Otis Elevators, Parker Hannifen, Sandia National Labs, Shimizu Corporation, Siemens, SONY, Sumitomo Metal Industries, Texas A&M University, Toshiba Corporation, Xerox Corporation, Universal Studios, US Navy and Airforce


  • Aerospace and defense
  • Chemical                         
  • Consumer                    
  • Electronics                   
  • Mechanical                   
  • Scientific                     
  • Automotive      
  • Civil/Construction
  • Dental   Electrical
  • Industrial          
  • Medical            
  • Semiconductor 
  • BioMedical
  • CleanTech
  • Electrical
  • Manufacturing
  • Petroleum
  • Wired & wireless communications